Sunday, September 26, 2010

Zumba High

This last couple of weeks have been long and tough! Every time I think I’m going to write on my blog something else pops up or throws me a curve ball. Just a quick re-cap of events from the past few weeks. My husband went to the emergency room, and was in the hospital for a couple of days with what turned out to be a kidney stone. Our computer crashed, and we are still awaiting the new one. My daughter turned 18, and we had many celebrations, and a college campus visit. My father is still in the hospital with a foot infection, and as of this posting it has been 9 days. We’re hoping he can come home on day 10.

So, with that being said there have been many positive things going on besides the 18th Birthday celebrations. Zumbatomic for children ages 7-12 years old started, and I’m loving it. The kids are doing a great job, and we’re having so much fun! Our regular Zumba classes are going strong, and have kept me focused and sane.

During one of my Zumba classes this past week, it hit me why I love Zumba so much. Although there were a lot of stressful things happening, the one hour of Zumba each class helped me escape to that “high” you get when you are working out. Just like the runner’s high, Zumba can take you to the same place. It’s just a great, feel good moment when euphoria hits and you feel happy. This relaxes your body, and I’m sure that it helps the blood pressure level.

Since I used to run I can say there were many times that I hit that runner’s high, but I think that Zumba keeps me there a lot longer than when I was running. The music, the moves, the people all contribute to the long high. My mind is not anywhere else except in that moment, with my Zumba family and just being in the moment.

The next time that you feel like you just can’t get out to get to class, and want to curl up and forget the world. Just try to remember how you feel when you’re at class, and how you will feel when you’re done.

1 comment:

  1. Amy: You've had a rough month or so. I'm so hoping that things calm down for you and your family....and I'm sure that they will. I DO know what you mean by that HIGH when doing Zumba. And....guess what! I'm coming back on Monday to get that high again. ZUMBA!!! I have missed it so much. My back is better and my work load is....well, it is what it is...but I'm still coming back. See you then!!!
